I learned the hard way that an RSS reader is the most practical and reliable way to subscribe to blogs. My old computer broke down twice this summer, and along with all the related frustration of losing one’s computer, I lost my blogroll. Up until June, I was using the RSS feed provided by my Internet Explorer browser. When I rebooted my computer, I lost my list of RSS subscriptions.
It takes time to collect a good list of blogs to follow and, mostly thanks to my PLN and Twitter, my list is back up to a respectable level. I’ve learned to not only use Google Reader to manage my blog subscriptions, but also to list my blogroll on a the Blogs I Read page for all to see. I now have a more permanent blogroll if and when I lose another computer.
The blogs I read fall into one of three categories. Blogs in the first category are those related to using technology in the field of education, such as Ideas and Thoughts by Dean Shareski and Open Thinking by Dr. Alec Couros. The second group of blogs are those like The Art Teacher’s Guide to the Internet by Craig Roland and The Fugleblog by Tricia Fuglestad which are related to art and art education. The final group are blogs belonging to the 31 Day Blogging Challenge that I participated in earlier this year.
If there are any blogs I don’t have listed that you think I’d enjoy, please leave a comment and let me know!